Amelia Turns One!
Alright ya'll, really quick can I just say I want to cry so hard that my baby is 1! I can't believe how fast this past year went, I pretty much say that every year now that I've had kids, but I swear it just goes by faster and faster, maybe that's a symptom of getting old, I'm not old yet right? (insert laugh/cry here)
So one thing that many people don't know about me, I don't know why though, is that I LOVE Disney, not just like a oh hey I like the movies and the parks, I mean I LOVE it, obsessed... We've been to Disney World, Tokyo Disneyland, Tokyo DisneySea, and Hong Kong Disneyland, before we leave Okinawa I want to go to Shanghai Disney too! Let me also be honest and say that when we go to Disney it's for me, the kids are to young to remember, to young to ask, and yeah they love it when we go but they wouldn't know any different if we didn't go, so it's pretty much just for me, at least for a little bit longer, thankfully my husband puts up with me about it.
So because, you know obsessed over here, we had to do a Disney Princess themed cake smash for our little princess. It took a lot of time thinking about what princess I wanted to do, and I finally settled on Belle, because well Beauty and the Beast is one of my favorites, which by the way, I'll pretty much say about all the movies.

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