Rex The Dachshund
Babies & puppies are pretty much the two best things ever.. That and cake, or cookies... ehh, I might like sugar, and I'm on the last few days of Whole30 that turned into 10 days of no carbs so sugar, so I'm really wanting chocolate chip cookies, a good sugary coffee and some Okinawan salt cookies...
No but really guys, we have a dachshund in our family, and she's the best, so as soon as I knew we were welcoming another little dachshund to the neighborhood, I got so super excited, and I may or may not be asking (okay, okay begging) my husband for another puppy.
I also knew that I NEEDED to do a newborn puppy session, AND because their twin boys named him Rex, because they LOVE dinosaurs, I also knew that we needed a bit of a dino theme!
Enjoy all the puppy photos!!
I also knew that I NEEDED to do a newborn puppy session, AND because their twin boys named him Rex, because they LOVE dinosaurs, I also knew that we needed a bit of a dino theme!
Enjoy all the puppy photos!!
Interested in booking a session! Awesome! Shoot me an email and we can chat!
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